Believers in Christ Church is a life-giving community of Jesus followers in Hanover, PA and the surrounding areas.
What do we value as a community?
As we journey through life together, our core values help us to maintain unity and give us a common identity that is built on Jesus Christ.
Living Life Together Well
We connect, relate, live, and serve in community as followers of Jesus Christ. We are intentional about being friendly, genuine, and totally life-giving as we work towards God’s call to Christian unity.
A variety of connect groups to create community, 1:1 discipleship for our teenagers, fellowship meals with each other, an emphasis on servanthood and a mentality of everyone can do something, and more.
Serving Locally & Internationally
We desire to live missionally by following Jesus’ command to go into all the world and make disciples. We passionately pursue missions through ministries, outreach, and partnerships locally and around the world.
Partnerships with local non-profits to serve victims of domestic violence, children in the foster care system (and the families who love them), community events aimed at seeking the peace and prosperity of Snacktown, and more.
Obeying The Word of God
We obey the Word of God by hearing, believing, and living out the teachings of Scripture. We seek to honor the purposes of God, live out the life and message of Jesus Christ, and be submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as commanded by the Bible.
We submit ourselves to the entirety of the Scriptures (even the parts that are difficult) and build our lives, our beliefs, our gatherings, and our ministries on the unchanging Word of God.
Our Team
Brian Casale, Senior Pastor
Brian has been following Jesus since he was 9. In his teen years, he felt a pastoral call and has been pastoring since he was 19. Brian has been married to his wife, Jane, for 30+ years. Brian is passionate about leadership development and seeing Christians mature in their faith. Brian enjoys a variety of things: musicals, the Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes, all things Star Wars, traveling with his wife, and spending time with his son and daughter-in-law. Brian loves Jesus and wants everyone to join!
Anthony Snively, Associate Pastor
Anthony started following Jesus in his senior year of college after reading through the Gospel of Matthew with his girlfriend (now wife), Katlyn. He’s passionate about discipleship, spiritual formation, and advocating for children everywhere – whether at his day job at Compassion or hosting kids through Safe Families for Children. Anthony and Katlyn have a curious daughter, Piper, and a joyful son, Jude. Together, they enjoy hiking, bike rides, dance parties, reading, anything Lord of the Rings related, and keeping the Sabbath fun.
What We Believe
Out of loyalty to Jesus and our trust in his Word, we hold a few convictions about God, us, and the world. We are a part of the Brethren in Christ – a church family found all over the world. To learn more about the Brethren in Christ, check out their website.
We believe that it is the nature of God to make Himself known.
God reveals Himself to humanity in various ways, most clearly in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. We accept these divinely inspired writings as the authoritative Word of God.
The Bible opens with the words, “In the beginning God created.”
This dramatic statement declares God to be the eternal source and foundation of all that is. The Bible proceeds to reveal the person, nature, and character of the triune God who forever is — Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God created man and woman in His image. Humans are distinct from all other forms of creation, having spiritual as well as physical characteristics.
Physically, each person has a body made from the elements of earth — a body that grows, matures, and eventually returns to the earth in death. People also reflect certain moral discernment, spiritual awareness, and freedom of choice. As spiritual beings, humans are created to be in fellowship with God. We cannot find peace apart from a right relationship with God.
God’s plan of salvation for sinful humanity is central to God’s eternal purpose and is fully revealed in the person and work of Jesus Christ, chosen by God before creation to be the Savior. We affirm that Jesus Christ is truly divine and truly human.
The Holy Spirit is a divine person who eternally co-exists with the Father and the Son.
The Spirit was present and active in creation, is seen throughout the Old Testament, and is revealed more explicitly in the New Testament. Life in the Spirit was reflected most clearly in the earthly life of Jesus. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit came from God to continue the work of the ascended Christ, as Jesus has promised His followers.
The final destiny of all things lies in God’s hands. In God’s time, creation will be renewed in Christ. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord, and He shall reign forever.
God will judge righteously at the close of the age. Those who have trusted Him and obediently followed Jesus as Lord will not be condemned. God will reward them according to their faithfulness. The unsaved, however, will be punished with everlasting destruction in hell, eternally shut out from the presence of God because they have rejected His offer of salvation.
The people of God anticipate God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth under the rule of Christ. Evil will be destroyed and ultimately Christ will deliver all things to the Father.