Thinking of visiting?
Sundays at 10:00 AM
New Things Can Be Scary, Right?
Take some of the scares out by learning what to expect on a normal Sunday at Believers in Christ Church in Hanover.
We aim for 90 (ish) minutes but we also keep this fluid depending on the Sunday. We care a lot about people so, for example, if there are many prayer needs, we take the extra time to pray for one another rather than saying we need to end service by a certain time.
We’ll sing a few songs together, learn from God’s Word and apply it to our lives, and pray for one another. Most folks arrive early and leave late to chat over coffee, snacks, etc. We believe the church is not the building, it’s a family of believers so we want to encourage real fellowship with each other.
Whatever you’re comfortable in! Most folks wear jeans and casual attire every Sunday.
Yes! For kiddos under 5, we have a nursery available with 2 volunteers (who have all completed PA background checks). There’s also a nursing mother’s room as well. For kiddos above age 5, we have a kids experience most weeks depending on the Sunday with a dedicated teaching team. On the Sundays with no kids church, we provide parents with activity bags to keep them engaged during the main teaching time.
Still got questions?
Contact us and we’ll help you out!